In general most less developed countries attempt to tax luxuries . 总的说来,大多数欠发达国家都想征收奢侈品税
The vicious circle theory describes the less developed country as trapped in its own poverty . 恶性循环理论认为,不发达国家陷入了自身贫困的罗网之中。
In less developed countries the tax structure is heavily dependent on indirect taxes especially customs and excise duties . 欠发达国家的税收结构非常依赖于间接税,尤其是关税和国内货物税。
In less developed countries the paramount problem is providing sufficient employment for the rapidly expanding urban populations . 不发达国家的首要问题是为迅速发展的城市人口提供足够的就业机会。
The number of people searching for work in a less developed country depends primarily on the size and age composition of its population . 在欠发达国家中,寻求职业的人数主要取决于该国人口数量的多少与年龄结构。
It ' s one of the less developed countries 它是发达程度较低的国家之一。
C . the developed and less developed countries must help each other support each other 发达国家和不发达国家一定互相帮助,互相支持。
But less developed countries such as laos or nepal have had less success on this front 但是较未开发的国家,像是寮国或是尼泊尔,在这方面的成效较不明显。
Many less developed countries are in debt because they borrowed money from richer countries in order to develop industry 许多不太发达的国家都负了债,因为它们从较富裕的国家借钱来发展工业。
However , less developed countries , owing to their specific conditions , should change their roles according to the market development stages 同时,对于发展中国家而言,处理政府与市场关系时,应依据市场发育程度不断变换政府角色,以达到市场与政府的动态统一。